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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
TVR chapter 5 and 6 journal entries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
TVR section 5 and 6 diary passages - Essay Example as youthful as 2 years of age, as, for example, The Triplets: Christmas Special, just as for a considerably more develop crowd, as the film About Schmidt featuring Jack Nicholson as a maturing man moving toward retirement and grappling with his life. The film medium is currently taking over the greater part of media outlets medium, with books being sidelined as an optional wellspring of amusement, and each book, as it were, professing to be a film really taking shape. Also, an ever increasing number of people are taking up film making, as they see it to be a medium through which they would have the option to communicate their actual selves and radiate their plans to others. In a day and age where each has a story to tell, however needs to impart it to as huge a crowd of people as could be expected under the circumstances, it is just legitimate that such people will connect with the film business, an industry that arrives at the greatest number of crowd. Proficient motion pictures, with a chief, maker, and cinematographer, attempt to be as innovative as could be expected under the circumstances and recount to a story, at the same time, with the utilization of a camcorder and an association with the Internet, people like Chris Crocker on YouTube communicating his perspectives about Britney Spears plan to introduce themselves as their actual selves. This utilization of the medium can have both positive and negative impacts on its crowd, as the manner in which a circumstance is seen shifts from individual to person. Additionally, such stages for â€Å"movie making†, in a manner of speaking, typically end up not serving the crowd, however making them be disappointed. Despite the film stage is an incredible wellspring of amusement to the general population just as a stage to raise social issues, it tends to be utilized to only archive the unremarkable everyday practice of one’s life, as is regularly observed on YouTube. You Tube, as far as I can tell, can be, and frequently is, utilized for transferring unremarkable recordings about individuals who do not understand what they are discussing, just needing their voices to be heard, or needing to get took note.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Essay Cyber Bullying As A Big One Essay Example For Students
Article Cyber Bullying As A Big One Essay With the utilization of the web expanding, analysts are finding a higher measure of cyberbullying. As indicated by Hinduja and Patchin, â€Å"There is no lack of potential guilty parties or casualties of cyberbullying in view of the across the board accessibility of PCs and the Internet in the created world,†(Hinduja and Patchin, 132). Both the authors make a valid statement expressing this reality. With the measure of innovation that is accessible to understudies, on various devises, has permitted them to openly discuss. While this isn't all terrible, there are significant defeats, digital tormenting being a major one. Innovation assumes a significant job in cyberbullying. As indicated by Hinduja and Patchin, â€Å"The essential methods through which it can happen incorporate the Internet-empowered PC and cell phone,†(Hiduja and Patchin, 131). The web is one off the greatest parts to cyberbullying, on the grounds that it is accessible on PCs and cellphones. Internet based life locales, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and a lot more are enormous destinations that numerous youngsters use to menace. Internet based life is accessible on numerous various gadgets, including cellphones. While cellphones are acceptable methods of imparting, it is regularly simple to make statements that you would not say to someone’s face. This is another case of how cellphones are utilized to cyberbully. These days, it is elusive a high school whose face isn't stuck to their telephone. Cellphones have a method of giving a few youngsters a feeling of bogus certainty. At the point when they are cyberbullying a companion, it's anything but an immediate discussion. They can say what they need and take cover behind a screen. Hiduja and Patchin make an extraordinary moment that expressing, â€Å"Cyberbullying is the shocking result of the association of immature hostility and electronic com. .mineral of the fault on them Hart, 32). This can be connected back our present examination as a result of the video we had members watch before taking the review. Every video had a particular reason, which was to outline the assessor to feel a particular way. We would then break down their data to check whether the video had any effect. We had a verbose and topical video, alongside various inquiries with respect to who was to blame, government and parent intercession and how school condition can influence cyberbullying. Information would bolster Hypothesis 2, which is, Compared to individuals presented to news with a long winded edge, those watching news with a topical edge will be bound to concur that schools should assume a functioning job in forestalling high schooler cyberbullying. This is genuine in light of the fact that reviews show that a topical edge causes individuals to depend more on government mediation (Hart, 32).
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Guided Imagery for Anxiety Relief
Guided Imagery for Anxiety Relief Social Anxiety Disorder Coping Print Simple Steps to Start Practicing Guided Imagery for Anxiety Relief By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Updated on September 30, 2019 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Kenji Lau / Getty Images Guided imagery for social anxiety involves the use of visualization techniques to help your body enter a relaxed state. In other words, you close your eyes and imagine the sights and sounds of a place that you find relaxing. Types of Guided Imagery Visualizations The most common visualization involves a tropical beach, warm sun, and soothing sounds of the ocean. If you find, however, that some other imagined scene is more appropriate for you, such as sitting in front of a roaring fire on a blustery night, by all means, make use of that setting. The type of scene is not important, what matters is that you imagine every sight, sound, and smell and transport yourself to that place. How Guided Imagery Can Help Social Anxiety Guided imagery can help with your anxiety by allowing you to manage negative emotions. In addition to the examples given above, it can also be used to visualize positive outcomes in various social and performance situations. Rather than imaging the worst, guided imagery gives you a chance to experience the best possible outcome before entering a situation. Examples of How Imagery Can Be Used for Anxiety A musician who has performance anxiety could use imagery to imagine overcoming anxiety to perform at a certain level.An athlete living with performance anxiety could visualize a competition and feelings of relaxation rather than anxiety.An actor with performance anxiety could visualize running through a scene full of confidence and without anxiety.A student with performance anxiety could visualize giving a presentation without anxiety.A socially anxious person could imagine going to a party and having a good experience. Example of a Guided Imagery Visualization In the following example of guided imagery for anxiety, the popular beach setting is used. If you choose to use a different setting, simply replace the details listed below with those relevant to the scenario you are using. Important: If you live with a medical condition, please consult with your doctor prior to beginning any type of relaxation training exercise. 1. Find a Quiet Place Free From Distractions Lie on the floor or recline in a chair. Loosen any tight clothing and remove glasses or contacts. Rest your hands in your lap or on the arms of the chair. Choose a time and place where you know you are not likely to be interrupted. 2. Take a Few Slow Even Breaths If you have not already, spend a few minutes practicing diaphragmatic breathing. Breathe deeply down into your diaphragm, similar to how you would do in a yoga class. This type of breathing will help you to relax even further. 3. When You Are Feeling Relaxed, Gently Close Your Eyes Picture yourself lying on a beautiful secluded beach. Picture soft white sand around you and crystal-clear waters with gentle waves that lap at the shore. Picture a cloudless sky above and palm trees swaying in the breeze behind you. Continue to keep your eyes closed and picture this beautiful tropical scene. 4. Breathe in and Smell the Scent of the Ocean and Tropical Flowers Notice the sound of the waves gently rolling onto shore and birds in the trees behind you. Feel the warm sand underneath you and the warm sun on your skin. Notice the taste of a refreshing tropical drink as you bring it to your mouth. Dont just picture the sceneâ€"touch it, taste it, and smell it as much as your imagination will allow. 5. Stay in This Scene for as Long as You Like Notice how relaxed and calm you feel. Enjoy the feeling of relaxation as it spreads throughout your entire body, from your head to your toes. Notice how far away you feel from anxiety and stress. Continue in this stage of the guided imagery process for as long as you like. You should gradually notice how calm and relaxed you feel. 6. When You Are Ready, Slowly Count Backward From 10 Open your eyes, feeling relaxed but alert. You have returned to your surroundings, but a calm state will have replaced any anxiety or worry that you originally felt. Now, work on translating this calmness into the rest of your day. Using Guided Imagery Recordings You might find it hard to practice guided imagery just using a written script like the one above. In addition to following these written instructions, you may consider using a voice recording, such as the free MP3 audio file offered by McMaster University with directions on practicing guided imagery. Use of an audio recording will allow you to fully relax and concentrate on the technique. You could also record yourself reading a guided imagery script that youve created yourself. A Word From Verywell Guided imagery is one form of relaxation training that you might find helpful for social anxiety. However, if your anxiety is severe and you have not received professional treatment such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or medication, it is important to contact your doctor or a mental health professional for diagnosis and a plan for getting better. While self-help methods can be used for mild to moderate anxiety, more severe anxiety often requires traditional treatment strategies. The 9 Best Online Therapy Programs
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Police Officers Are Portrayed As Racist Profilers
Approaching the ongoing situation in Paris, where police officers are portrayed as racist profilers, rather than people who are just simply trying to make the streets safe is not an easy task. Through his ethnographic work, Didier Fassin is able to portray an ethnographic study in one of the largest precincts in the Paris region. Fasin attempts to prove that police work isn’t simply enforcing the law; rather the police are engaged in the task of enforcing an unequal social order in the name of public security. In general, it seems that Fassin wants to explain how minorities, and low-income communities in the banlieues experience police work after events such as riots, which create civil unrest. Fassin considers ethnography to be, â€Å"about entering and communicating the experience of men and women in a given context: their way of apprehending the world, of considering their place in society and their relations with others, of justifying their beliefs and actions. It is an attempt to†¦ explore another universe, often initially foreign but progressively becoming more familiar†(Fassin, XX). He sticks true to his believes in Enforcing Order, since he conducts his ethnographic research by having first person interactions with both those in the side of the law as well as those that are posed to be criminals. Fassin is able to provide quality accounts of how each of the sides in the story sees themselves, and how they view their relationships with others. By getting different points
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Concept and Role of E-Commerce Free Essays
Commerce may be defined as the transaction between the business enterprises. Business, on the other hand, is defined as ‘a commercial enterprise as a going concern’. In doing the business certainly one has to have contact with other. We will write a custom essay sample on Concept and Role of E-Commerce or any similar topic only for you Order Now Previously for doing business one has to travel through a long distance and carry money in this pocket all the time ready which always be a risk for the carrier. It took a long time to mature even a single transaction for example if a manufacturer want to sell his produce, he need to sell it to whole seller first this is also with the help of middle man then the whole seller will sell the same product the different retails and the consumer will buy the product this chain will add some more middle man if the distance between producer and consumer is more. This process is very time consuming and also add some margin in cost at every stage which ultimately increase the price of the product and will put and extra burden on the pocket of the consumer or buyer. To fasten the above process and to reduce add in value in the cost of product or to reduce the burden on the pocket of consumer producer only need to use one miracle word that is â€Å"e†. Here e stands for electronic where ever we prefix this word the speeds will automatically increases with many fold then the traditional methods adopted and on the other hand the cost of supply or the price of product will decrease many fold as compare to before. For last few years many business that experiences the Placing â€Å"e†in front of any process or function of their business seemed to be the magic prescription for never ending story of success and rapid returns for enterprises. Internet, for example is becoming one of the most popular medium in transmitting various data. Users can find any kind of information within a shorter time compared with conventional method that consumes more time. Here again we assume a situation where for booking any ticketing for all kind of travel, bill payment, hotel bookings etc. one need to stand in a long queue to get his work done for himself but now this can be done at home and within few minutes only. E-commerce is also known as click business where one uses all the technology of click operation to do a business. Click business as sounds very easy is not only include click operation it also include all those technologies with allow the click workable on internet which include, domin address,server, Web Site, HTML,Electronic Data Interchange,XML,Protocols etc. It is a profitable way to conduct business which goes beyond the simple brick business. Click business can result in fast transactions, wide market coverage along with the bundle of benefits such as speed, convenience, cost effective, timeliness, high profit margins, instant customer relations, no loss of customers and many more. A concern can do everything it can to run its business efficiently and profitably.Therefore E-commerce is buying and selling goods and services over the Internet. E- Commerce in part if e-business. E-business is a structure that includes not only those transactions that centre on buying and selling goods and services to generate revenue, but also those transactions that support revenue generation. These activities include generating demand for goods and services, offering sales support and customer service, or facilitating communications between business partners. By the help of the flexibility offered by computer networks and the availability of the Internet, E- commerce develops on traditional commerce. E-commerce creates new opportunities for performing profitable activities online. It promotes easier cooperation between different groups: businesses sharing information to improve customer relations; companies working together to design and build new products/services; or multinational company sharing information for a major marketing campaign.The followings are the business uses of the Internet. These services and capabilities are a core part of a successful e-commerce program. They are either part of a value chain or are included as supporting activities:? Buying and selling products and services? Providing customer service ? Communicating within organizations? Collaborating with others? Gathering information (on competitors and so forth)? Providing seller support? Publishing and distributing information ? Providing software update and patches Airline and travel tickets, banking services, books, clothing, computer hardware, software, and other electronics, flowers and gifts are some popular products and services that can be purchased online. Several successful e-businesses have established their business models around selling these products and services. E-commerce has the potential to generate revenue and reduce costs for businesses and entities. Marketing, retailers, banks, insurance, government, training, online publishing, travel industries are some of the main recipients of e-commerce. For instance, banks use the Web for diverse business practices and customer service. MAJOR TRENDS IN E-COMMERCE BUSINESS Retail consumer E-commerce continues to grow up at double-digit rates. The online demographics of shoppers continue to broaden. Online website continues to reinforce profitability by refining their business models and leveraging the capabilities of the Internet. The first wave of E-Commerce transformed the business world of books, music, and air travel. In the second wave, eight new industries are facing a similar transformation: telephones, movies, television, jewelry, real estate, hotels, bill payments, and software. The breadth of E-Commerce offerings grow ups, especially each and every one in travel, information clearinghouses, entertainment, retail apparel, appliances, and home furnishings. Each and every one business and entrepreneurs continue to flood into the E-Commerce marketplace, often riding on the infrastructure craft by industry giants such as Amazon, eBay, and Overture. Brand extension each and every one the way through the Internet grow ups as large firms such as Sears, J.C. Penney, L.L. Bean, and Wal-Mart pursue integrated, multi –channel bricks-and-clicks strategies. B2Bsupply chain transactions and collaborative commerce continue to reinforce and grow up beyond the $1.5trillion mark. TECHNOLOGY: Wireless Internet connections (Wi-Fi, Max, and 3Gtelephone) grew up rapidly. Podcasting takes off as a new media format for distribution of radio and user-generated commentary. The Internet broadband foundation becomes stronger in households and businesses. Bandwidth prices of telecommunications companies re-capitalize their debts. RSS (Real Simple Syndication) grow ups to become a mayor new form of user- controlled information distribution that rivals e-mail in some applications. Computing and networking component prices continue to fall dramatically. New Internet-based models of computing such as.NET and Web services expand B2B opportunities. SECIETY Self-publishing (user-generated content) and syndication in the form of blogs, wikis and social network grow up to form an entirely new self-publishing forum. Newspapers and other conventional, customary traditional media adopt online, interactive models. Conflicts over copyright management and control grow up in significance. Over half the Internet user population (about 80 million adults) joins a social group on the Internet. Taxation of Internet sales becomes more widespread and accepted by large online merchants. Controversy over content regulation and controls amplify and rises. Surveillance of Internet communications grows ups in s significance. Concerns over commercial and governmental privacy invasion grow up. Internet fraud and abuse occurrences amplify and rise. First Amendment rights of free speech and association on the Internet are challenged. Spam grows ups despite new laws and promised technology fixes. Invasion of personal privacy on the Web expands as marketers discover and locate new ways to track users. How to cite Concept and Role of E-Commerce, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
What A Modest Proposal Meant to Me Essay Example
What A Modest Proposal Meant to Me Essay Odelia Clark September 23, 2010 Journal Entry A Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift Even though it was a satirical essay, you could read between the lines the anger he had towards the English Protestants that inflicted abuse on the Irish Catholics. The part I really enjoyed was his reference to the children being substantial enough for the landlords, since they had already devoured the parents, meaning the landlords had robbed them in a sense they had eaten them up, I just like the way he put that. Mr. Swift not only talked about the English but, he satirizes the Irish for accepting the abuse for as ling as they di instead of taking matters into their own hands. I found the essay to be humorous and sad in a way. Actually it not so far fetched from what is going on in today’s society. In some place there are still those kind of slum lords, and business owners who when it comes to certain urban areas and job opportunities they feel you deserve to be in that place and will try to keep you there, because of race, sexuality, or your financial history. We will write a custom essay sample on What A Modest Proposal Meant to Me specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on What A Modest Proposal Meant to Me specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on What A Modest Proposal Meant to Me specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Some people with more means than others treat people with low-income very poorly. Some even look down on you if you are on some sort of fixed-income or welfare. I’ve even heard conversations where some people will say those people on welfare are just lazy; they just want to milk the system. Now, some are on the system for the wrong reasons, but there are those who actually need help. I feel people should just be careful of how you view others backgrounds, we all know how we got here but, we don’t know how we will leave.
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